Six years

Marissa Alice Bundy, October 2, 1990 – March 6, 2017

Winter will always be a season of goodbye to me.

Gray skies carry me back to six years ago, memories pelting like icy snow.

Some days it’s easy to get turned around in the wind, and I can never forget that storm.

Watching my sweet girl go away.

Here in the Carolinas spring has been pushing its way in for weeks, with buds on trees and grass already green. A stubborn, welcome friend.

Turning me to the Creator of days and beauty and all that lasts.

The dormant and silent coming to life, whispering hope. A stark contrast to goodbyes and dying.

How my spirit reaches for all of God’s renewing grace.

On this day of remembering, the tears come easily. Memories burn within me, coals hot and red.

Sadness for the suffering road she traveled.

And this love so strong with no place to go. An empty place in my heart.

I miss my Rissa Bean.

But God extends His grace to me. He turns my head to look at His beloved Son, who gave His life freely with such compassionate love.

His blood shed in order to cover my sin, and Marissa’s, and all who come to Him in faith.

Astonishing grace.

Providing a steadfast, beautiful hope. An eternal refuge from all the storms of this fallen world. And a future where I will see His face, be welcomed into His arms and enjoy Him forever.

Marissa’s reality today. And forevermore.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you. 1 Peter 1:3-4